MG ZS: Charging issues and Trickle charging are aware that a number of people have experienced issues with Smart Charging their MG ZS. MG has released a number of software updates, designed to prevent the car from falling 'asleep'. This issue was preventing fully delayed Smart Charging from working reliably. Unfortunately, this update did not provide the resolution everyone was hoping for.

To enable MG owners to charge off-peak with their current setup, has developed a trickle charging mode for affected users. This enables Smart Charging at full power (32 Amps - 7.2 kWh) during off-peak times, reducing the charge rate down to 6 Amps the rest of the time rather than turning off fully, to prevent the car from falling asleep.

It's also important to note that MG owners with a compatible charger are still able to track charging using the app and charge their cars in 'standard' mode.

To enable Trickle charging head to your Smart table and tap the switch.

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