My BG SyncEV charger can't be found

To ensure only you can control your charger, when your charger is installed, your installer registers your email address with your unique Charger ID number - a process we call "commissioning”.

Please make sure you have created an app account using the same email address that you gave to your installer.

If you’ve created the account with the same email and you're still running into problems, there may be a hardware or installation issue. Please contact our support team so we can help advise you on how to get set up. To speed up your enquiry, please provide us with:

- Your correct email address (if wrong or different)

- Your Charger ID number

PLEASE NOTE: We'll do our best to help you out. However, provides the software solution to your charger, so if the issue is hardware related you will need to contact your installer or manufacturer.

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