My Easee charger is Offline

If your charger is offline or has no service, you may want to access the WiFi interface of your charger. To do this:

1. Hold the touch button on your charger until the LED strip lights up green and you hear a confirmation tone. The charger has now created a local WiFi network.

2. Using your phone, connect to the chargers WiFi network. The WiFi name(ssid) will contain your chargers serial number.

3. Open your phones web browser and type in the address field.

4. Log in with the PIN code located on the front of the charger.

Before doing this, we recommend putting the phone in flight mode before accessing the chargers local WiFi interface. 

We know it’s a bit of a cliché, but often turning the unit off and on again can help! To do this it is recommended to power it off at the mains:

1. Locate the dedicated circuit breaker, which should be where your installer connected the charger’s cabling to your mains supply.

2. Switch it off and leave for 10 seconds.

3. Switch back on again.

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