Important notice for Ford vehicle owners

At, we're committed to providing a seamless and efficient EV charging experience. We'd like to inform potential and current Ford vehicle owners of an ongoing issue that may impact the connectivity between your Ford vehicle and our service.


A subset of our users, approximately 10-20%, have encountered account resets initiated by Ford.

This measure, designed by Ford to safeguard user data and prevent unauthorized access, primarily requires users to reset their account passwords and leads to a temporary disruption in our service.

What does this mean for you?

If you're a Ford vehicle owner and decide to connect your vehicle with, there's a possibility that Ford may reset your account as a security measure against unauthorized third-party access. In such cases, the primary inconvenience you might face is the need to reset your password for your Ford account. Reconnecting your vehicle to our platform may be required.

Acceptance of Risk

By choosing to integrate your Ford vehicle with, you acknowledge and accept the risk of potential account reset by Ford.

Our Commitment

We are actively seeking solutions to prevent future incidents. Our priority is to ensure that your EV charging experience is as smooth and uninterrupted as possible. For updates on this issue or assistance, please visit our support page.

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