EV Flex | Virtual Power Plant Platform

Take control of flexible EV demand.

Smooth out intermittencies caused by renewables and unlock new revenue streams for your business by optimising customer energy loads.

EV Flex | Virtual Power Plant Platform

Take control of flexible EV demand.

Aggregation of flexible demand is key to enabling a renewable power grid.

By optimizing your customer’s energy loads you can smooth out intermittencies caused by renewables and unlock new revenue streams for your business.

Get in touch

Empower your customers

EV drivers are your secret weapon in the battle against volatile prices and network stress. Enable them to engage with their energy and unlock the benefits of Smart Charging.

Reduce charging costs

Encourage off-peak charging with attractive discount rates. 

Drive emissions down

Allow EV drivers to automatically charge with grid renewables.

Build customer engagement

Give customers a great reason to stay with the convenience of app-controlled charging.

Protect your network

Keep energy flowing across your network with flexibility from electric vehicles.

Avoid power outages

Keep the lights on for your customers with Demand Side Response services.

Stop emergencies proactively

Maintain a healthy grid to avoid overwhelm, wildfires and emergency repairs.

Level out peak demand

Optimize EV charging loads at all times with the leaders in smart charging.

Operate with efficiency 

Relieve your network without the cost of huge-scale infrastructure upgrades.

Meet climate commitments

Beat your emissions targets with reduced reliance on fossil fuels.

Balance with the best

As global leaders in smart charging, our Virtual Power Plant platform ‘EV Flex’ helps you stay ahead of demand across your network. 

Connect via DERMS

Want to connect to the EV Flex Virtual Power Plant through your existing DERMS? We can do that too.

Who we work with

East Kentucky Power Cooperative
East Kentucky Power Cooperative
City of Fort Collins
Wabash Valley
Sask power
Black Hills Corporation
Duke energy
City of Fort Collins
Wabash Valley
Sask power
Black Hills Corporation
Duke energy

Launching the first commercial Virtual Power Plant operation with UK Power Networks

Learn how we helped UK Power Networks ease demand across their network.

Speak to an expert

Ready to take the next steps? We're here to help. 

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